Diwan Bookstore

The photo contains the Arabic script for my title above, taken from one of their carrier bags. Diwan Bookstore is located in 26th July Street and is a magnet for me in Cairo. I study the titles in the Arabic language book section, especially those with photos of politicians and city landscapes before spending more time in the English language section seeking out books on Egyptian history both ancient and modern. I also get distracted by such delights as books featuring Clyde built liners!

I recall overhearing interviews being recorded here with Egyptian writers shortly after the revolution of 25th January 2011. The authors would say things like, 'This is the first time I've ever been able to say such things openly without running the risk of imprisonment'. I distinctly remember wondering at the time if these 'times' were here to stay or if sharing these details was an act that would come back to haunt them.

I noticed tonight that there were no tape machines recording anything.

In other news, my attempts to complete my admin. and coaching session write up work by mid morning came to grief and I encroached into time in the afternoon set aside for writing work. A happy cancellation tomorrow morning opened up a clear half day for writing starting tomorrow morning. I decided to dedicate the dying hours of light to essentials like food and notebook shopping which brought me to Diwan, the only stockist of Moleskin jotters in the city that I know.

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