Return to the North

By Viking


Our year 7-8 class headed up to Mavora Lakes today for a three day camping trip. They are all very excited, bless them, even though the weather forecast wasn't great. They have taken just about everything but the kitchen sink with them, including borrowing a staff members caravan for their class teacher who refuses to sleep in a tent :-)
Good PR with the kids and having my niece here made me think it was a good idea to head up with them for the first day. I used to do this regularly at Murch and now am the boss I can decide :-0 So off we went. a bloody long trip and 37km of it on a gravel road but worth every minute

Much hilarity was had putting tents up and then lunch was eaten before most of the kids went mountain biking and the rest of us went for a bush walk by the side of the Lakes.

I just loved the pattern of the lichen / fungi/ whatever it is on this tree

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