horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Posted this commentary on Facebook yesterday. Might as well repost it here....

When I came back from holiday a little over two months ago there was a thought in the back of my mind that crystallised the first day back in the office, and I handed my notice in. There are a multitude of reasons (really... a lot...), but one thing I don't do on here is go into work details, and I'd be happy if folk didn't speculate, this is really me just getting this out there beyond a select few because it'll just make life so much easier than bottling it in.

One of the main non-work reasons is just that... It's not what I want to do. Pure and simple. The job was great to land in when I was made redundant 3 and a half years ago, but the job market has picked up, and I have a dream...

It's maybe pie in the sky, but y'know what, I'm 38 and I need to give it a try. But while I have an 'end', I also need a 'means'. So I'm looking at more 'flexible' options (for which also read 'better paid' and in the case of one application 'Kazakhstan') to allow me to build up the personal projects while working.

My last day actually falls on Christmas Eve (there's a present and a half), and I'm likely going to have to look at some temp contracts into the New Year while the bigger plan comes into focus (but hey, it might give some more time for cycling, writing and photography... Why aren't I doing this in July?).

For every person who has told me this is 'brave' I suspect there are twenty who think it's barmy. And I have declared that there is a very very fine line between bravery and stupidity, and I've no idea what side of the line I'm on yet. But I needed the kick up the arse to boot me up and out of the rut, in which I was doing myself no credit whatsoever, but which I'd always settle back into after a couple of weeks every now and then of casting my eyes elsewhere. I've figured out what I AM good at (i.e. not necessarily what I'm doing just now), and how I need to maintain that positive outlook on my own abilities. I know exactly where I want to be in 5 years time. This has become the way I think I can get there.

Life. JFDI.

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