I'm off work this week, so this afternoon I decided to go to the Geffrye Museum to see the rooms decorated for Christmas. I actually got a little lost on the way there, which I've never done before. I'd decided to explore a few different streets in the city on the way, thinking I was heading in the right direction and ended up walking down Whitechapel Road, which seemed to go on forever, but eventually turned down Cambridge Heath Road. I popped in the V&A Museum of Childhood quickly, then back down towards Shoreditch and Kingsland Road to the Geffrye Museum...a bit of a detour in the drizzle!

The rooms looked almost exactly like they did last year, but I love the 1960s decorated room, as it brings back lots of memories of very happy Christmas times when I was a tiny tot. This is just one photo, but I took it outside the museum, in a reflection of a big mirrored cube, where I appear to have become part of the tree, including my tree trunk legs merging in with the tree trunk!

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