
Hi Tom

These two just love each other. They can't be apart for any length of time. They are always together. There really is no point in having two beds as they both snuggle up on the same one.

They love me too. Their love is unconditional....and I love them.

They have been quite good today considering the kitchen where they stay is being painted. They haven't got in the way at all.

I'll be glad when the kitchen is done. It will be another week at least.

I've done a bit of cooking today. As you know I'm no cook but I decided to have a go at making mince pies. I thought I'd get a bit of practise in. They were quite good. Now I just have to make sure I don't eat them all. I'll give them to dad to take to work.

Boot is getting harder to get up for. It's getting colder, it's damp, it's dark....but I still go. At least it's not as cold as where you are. I bet you can't wait to come home for a warm up. -20 is harsh.

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