Blipper gone bad...

....again!! I had plans to take photos at our second language exchange, but got too into conversation and totally forgot til it was all over!
We had LOADS of interest in the exchange, and new people this evening. It was a lovely atmosphere, met a girl who lives on our road!
A busy busy day, but really good.
Poor Asha has now been bitten on her eyelid - her eye's all swollen and it looks like she's been in a fight!!

Today I'm grateful for
1) Opportunities...Danny's been asked to teach the ex-Mayoress of Ibiza (English, obviously!)
2) Piriton - poor Asha does look like she's been in the wars...hoping the Piriton will soon work...
3) New friendships. It was sooo lovely to sit around tonight, getting to know new people, talking in Spanish, enjoying delicious (free!) tapas...

PS, took this photo on Friday in San Miguel...

Second 24-7 Prayer Advent Podcast here...

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