Look Out

By chrisf

Almost there ........

A couple of meetings in London today. I caught an early train - no stopping to Euston - and seeing the crowd waiting to get onto the escalator down to the tube decided to walk to the first meeting. It was further than I thought - passed two cathedrals on the way and crossed the Thames passing the Shard.

Here, my destination is in sight as I walk through the oddly named "More London". A very damp, sullen grey day in London - so B&W seems appropriate !

The people who work in the offices here have rather good views - Tower Bridge, the Tower of London and the City. I like the gherkin, and the cheese grater is OK, but the walkie talkie is I think horrible. Far too much bulk and mass, something more elegant would have been much better.

And some of the other towers under construction (there are lots of them in various places) seem very bland.

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