Zip Code

Granddaughter M stayed with us on her own last weekend while A and P went to a wedding.

Unfortunately in the hurry of packing up on Sunday evening to go home, M's "booits" were left behind. So, I had to skitter to the post office to mail them over to Manchester.

Zip code? Zip wire. On Saturday J and I had taken M to the park. She was mesmerised by the 100m long zip wire...

"Not for children under 6 years old"

Didn't say anything about grandfathers and little girls did it? Weeeee - "big bump!". Of course when she kept saying that when A and P came home on Sunday, er, I had to explain.

Hard, slightly disapproving look at Grandpa from Mum. Oh well, always in it - it's just the depth that varies.

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