My day

By 59

Shoes on power lines

The question of "why are shoes hanging by the laces from power lines?" has popped up a number of times, so says a search of the Internet

"Shoes hanging from power lines suggestions !

- Drug dealer nearby
- Time-honored tradition on the last day of school.
- A reminder/warning of a nearby murder.
- Designated gang turf.
- Seemed like fun at the time (no reason).

After getting a new pair of runners, it was a common ritual to tie the shoelaces of your old pair together and throw them up over the telephone wires, now electricity lines.

What else are you going to do with your old pair of runners? "

After travelling to Forbes and back for work today I walked up to my sons new house about 20 minutes away. It was hot and stormy and there is a bit of a hill so I was glad to reach their nice cool place. We were celebrating the finishing of a uni degree today, which he had completed in less than 3 years, he has three young children and has moved house twice in that time.

On the way I saw these shoes hanging over the power lines.

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