
By maddischeib

This picture shows how we are in all the classes we have together. We hardly pay attention in chemistry but we still manage to have really good grades in that class and all of our other classes. We try to pay attention but we usually end up complaint to each other about people we don't like, or something that happened the period before then. We tend to get really off topic in history because there are so many annoying people in that class and we can't help but complain about them to each other.
Kat and Logan are the best two people I know. They deserve the best and only that. I would do anything for those two. I know I can go to either one of them with my problems and receive really good advice from both of them. We're the three musketeers and if we would have more classes with Kat, you'd see her, Logan and I all walking together like last year. We call ourselves "the fab three" because we like to think we're too fabulous to deal with any petty people or drama. That's how we are with each other. We joke around constantly and sometimes I laugh so much we all should have 6-packs by now. People give us really weird looks when we joke around and laugh a lot but I just think they are probably jealous that they don't have people to make them laugh the way we do.

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