Just trying to survive

By NovaLovesFrogs

Complete and total meltdown

So, Tuxie's anxiety attack reached an all time high. While he is intact, spraying is not something he regularly does unless anxious.

He's sprayed all over this house and we didn't bring any Nature's Miracle (A fantastic product and we were complete idiots for not bringing it with us!) and while we always have potty pads with us for their carriers in case anyone has an accident during car trips, Tuxie ran us out. We even used up the supply B's mom had leftover from when her cat was dying and unable to control her bladder anymore. And there were quite a few leftover.

The major anxiety attack started when the mother of B's step sisters came into the house. Y'know, the Stone Cold Monster. Younger step sister left that day. Other step sister (older than younger step sister, but younger than B) left the next day.

Tuxie really enjoyed their company.

Another thing to know about Tuxie, is that it's hard to find a person that he doesn't like. So the fact that he had such an adverse reaction to Stone Cold Monster really worries me.

But then immediately after that, Tuxie lost the two girls he'd been loving on for the last couple days. Suddenly there were only four people in the house and the two he'd been hanging out with the most were gone.

That, combined with the stress B and I are feeling about leaving very early tomorrow morning, and the whole stress of being two days away from El Paso and being in a completely new place (he does great when we go to my family's house, but that's also a house that he lived in for four or five years) just got to him.

So today we made an emergency visit to the local Banfield, a chain vet here in the US and Canada that is an amazing place. While a lot of people don't like the idea of a franchised vet clinic, I love it because everything has a set price, and when you have wellness plans through them, you can see any vet at any time (any time they're open, anyways) at any location in the US and Canada for free. You also get nice discounts on medications and services.


So we asked for something for his anxiety and/or to sedate him. Since apparently I left his sedatives back in El Paso, even though I could've sworn I packed them. We have Nova's pain medication for his back, but no sedatives that we can find. I feel like a fucking idiot and a worthless pet owner for having forgotten something so incredibly important. But oh well it's over and done with.

They didn't give us sedatives, which I'm fine with, so long as they actually addressed the issue of his anxiety. They did, giving us an antianxiety medication to give to our poor Tuxie. Told us to start it tonight. So we did as soon as we got home.

Since it wouldn't cost any extra and because Tuxie seemed more comfortable at the vet and honestly we were exhausted from cleaning up after him all damn morning, we went ahead and left Tuxie there for a few hours so the vet could see him as soon as the vet got a chance to. While that also made me feel like an awful pet owner, Tuxie got to hang out with several beautiful, animal loving ladies for about four or five hours, and they said that he seemed very relaxed in the kennel and was just eating up any and all love and affection he could.

So while I feel bad about leaving him there because I needed a break from cleaning up after him, I don't feel THAT guilty because he hammed it up at the vet's and was loved on by a bunch of pretty ladies. They were all surprised by how calm and happy he was at the vet, that most cats HATE it there. Nope. Not my boys. They see it as a chance to get loved on by a bunch of people other than us. Only when sedation is involved (or comprehensive exams) does Nova hate the vet.

So yeah. Got him antianxiety meds. Got him a calming collar, because those things work great and we really should've gotten him one before we left El Paso but we weren't sure how we'd be doing financially (and we aren't doing well, I had to make an emergency call home and ask my gran for money to take care of Tuxie) so we went without. Big big mistake.

We also had to buy a new crate, because Tuxie's anxiety attack utterly destroyed the crate we brought with us. Ugh.

We bought calming spray and restocked on pee pads and got some kitty diapers just in case they're necessary on the drive home. I hope we have enough bath wipes. I THINK we do.

We also got Tuxie a special can of food as a treat, and got him some treats that roll around on the floor for him to chase after. Locked Cosmo and Nova up in the bedroom so we could have some one-on-one love time with Tuxie. Also took Tuxie outside for a walk, where he happily ran around all over the place, happily chattering and trotting around.

Tuxie's antianxiety meds seem to have already taken effect, mixed with the calming collar. He also really loved his time at the vet. He's feeling a lot better.

TL;DR: I'm a fucking horrible cat owner for not getting Tuxie a calming collar before leaving El Paso and a fucking idiot for forgetting Tuxie's sedatives back in El Paso.

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