
5years 41days

The start of advent. The getting ready for Christmas. 3.5 weeks of joy every single day as I watch Katie grow in anticipation. She can't think of a single thing to write on her list for herself (though mama has listened carefully and picked up on a few) but she can't stop thinking about the plays, carols, the tree, the lights, special times with family that are planned. And how much she loves opening her calendars each day- and our new one, putting a bauble on a little wooden tree each day. She bounced downstairs when she remembered that it is 1st December today and opened her parcel with her calendar from granny and grandad. She had her chocolate and was just as bouncy in saying "Mama, it's your turn now!" and watching me open mine and help with finding the number. I then explained the new calendar. She's said at least five times today that she can't wait to do it tomorrow and that she loves advent because she gets to do that.

This term has been hard work, extremely tiring, but somehow even just entering advent has added some additional joy straight away. And we are both really rather excited. We even watched a Christmas movie after school. Monkey George of course.

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