Testing it out

By coldfire


I was having trouble thinking of a blip today but then i remember that were losing an hour of sleep tonight thanks to daylight savings time.

Today wasn't the greatest. I woke up at Mariel's, and came home so i could go bowling with my brothers. That would have been fun but its literally impossible for the three of us to hang out without something going wrong. So it ended up with my little brother crying right after we started the second game, and he sat out the rest of it. I haven't bowled in forever, and got an 82 and improved to an 88 the second game.
I would have gone back to Mariel's afterward, but she wants me to be friends with Dan again, so i made plans to talk to him. He never showed up or called when he said he would, and then i was stuck at my house all night because Mariel couldn't leave in the storm. I ended up watching The Informant with my mom. It was alright. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

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