The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Mad start to December

This morning I was on an early train to London. Went to the RSA and sat in a room of unbelievably talented people talking about school reform in England. I was a bit blown away by the company. People whose books I read and blogs I follow. Amazing. Still, their ideas aren't so different to the stuff I trot out so I didn't feel so out of place once I opened my mouth!

Afternoon on the train back to work and had four meetings before leaving for the Newark Business Awards. These are the flowers on the table. Wow! Gonna be a late night. Dogs are in kennels and I have five days with back to back meetings and five nights out at dinners. Nightmare. I'll be dead by the time I finish work on Saturday evening!!

Sorry to say goodbye to Mum and Dad. Fab weekend.x

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