Poor Ted...

Don't know how many times I stepped over Ted today.

Ozzy cosied up to it him at one point today as he lay at the bottom of the stairs.

Eventually I went to pick him up.

Poor Ted.

Mr J has been in bed all day with the virus.

Poor Mr J.

Jamie started being sick at about 8am.

Poor Jamie

Granny is in bed now after helping us out on Friday.

Poor Granny.

Hey, but Ruaraidh and I feel fine!

Kept them both off today, incubation period an all that....

In other news, we lost Flynn for about 5 minutes today.... Felt like 5 hours.
If we stop to chat or something, he keeps going sometimes and then when I shout him he can't hear me if out of range.
Normally it's fine... We catch up with him.
But today was at a crossroads in the path and I had no idea what direction he'd headed off in.
One of them was back to the house across quite a busy road.

Ru was crying and I was hoarse shouting his name.

I dumped Ozzy and Ru back at the house (also checking he'd not made his own way back) and headed back out.
Hadn't even crossed the road and someone was shouting to me that they could see him. Not far from where we'd got separated.
He was all a fluster and panting heavily. (as was I)

Poor Flynn.

Big cuddles.

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