25th December Street, Cairo

Egypt's population is 10% Christian and certain commercial aspects of the forthcoming festivities are as evident here as in more Christian leaning countries. This is 26th July Street which could be renamed reasonably 25th December Street at the moment.

A busy day doing an invoice catch up (not that there were that many) and a coaching session into London before heading out for some errands and to find a place to work on the manuscript. I must say the hours fly and I particularly enjoy writing in the middle of Cairo itself.

In other news, a local popular actor has gone on record calling the Sisi presidency a fascist regime and several musicians and TV presenters associated with the heart and soul of the Revolution have been banned from the airwaves.

Meanwhile, Mubarak has been taking calls from the King of Bahrain congratulating him on his record of fostering strong ties between the two countries. Mubarak was also giving telephone interviews saying, 'I did nothing wrong!'

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