All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethans sleepy pose

Ethan slept really well last night (although having fed him at 4am I ended up being up till 6am. I had to change his sheets after he was a bit sick, changed his nappy and was so entranced by the smiles he was giving me I forgot his nappy was off, and he pee'd everywhere. Time goes quickly in the early hours).

Today was a lovely day, although it was a shame Grandpa had to go home early morning as he wasn't feeling well.

Ethan has been particularly smiley today which is a new development over the past few days. He's also starting to get quite vocal and making lots of new sounds, which are so cute to hear.

We drove through to Edinburgh in the afternoon with Granny to spend some time with Foreveryoung and her husband. Went for a nice walk, had dinner made for us and Ethan was very well behaved.

Am also chuffed that we've managed 4 days with no formula, having only needed to give it to him once each on Monday and Tuesday evening this week! I've resigned myself to the fact it's not the end of the world if he does have to have it occasionally but really pleased the feeding is now going a wee bit better and hope this continues.

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