'Our Little Performer'

As soon as I arrived home tonight, Bella rushed outside to greet me and immediately wanted me to come to her performance inside. She got herself dressed up like this and sat at the piano improvising and making up words to go along with her music. It was very hard for me to keep a straight encouraging face without laughing. She was just in the moment, a real pleasure for me to be able to sit there and be allowed to simply watch her creativeness spilling out. She put so much effort into her singing voice and lyrics.

On another note, what a scorcher of a night last night, our minimum overnight temp was a chilly 28 degreed, I found it difficult to sleep in that and was up at 3am pulling my bread out of the over to cool down.

Apparently this Spring has been the second hottest ever on record, and looks like we're in for a long hot Summer (again).

An early start for me again tomorrow, have to be down at Berwick by 8am for a site meeting. Best get to bed early.

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