ALL the Toys!

Once you've mastered sticking something in your mouth, it's time to up your game and get as many as possible at once.

We had a stressful day today. Right when Lincoln was due for his second nap we had to go to an eye specialist appointment. He screamed most of the way there then got a 30 minute nap while we walked from our miles away park and waited for the very behind schedule appointment. She thinks his eyes will come right in time so there's no treatment for now and we'll go back in six months to be sure.

After that we had to do groceries since a baby meltdown meant I didn't get time to do them yesterday. By the time we got there he was about due to wake up from his nap that he hadn't had and have a bottle. Half of the supermarket trip was spent with me holding him and my handbag in the baby seat. My arm was shaking but at least he stopped screaming.

The rest of the day was fine, but a little behind schedule so the naps and bottles have been very messy. I was very pleased when Daddy got home at 7.45.

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