horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


The first Calcutta Cup blip of the day? Toby Flood sizes up his first penalty attempt after coming on for a newly-injured Johnny Wilkinson.

I was there in my England jersey; Mel had her saltire to wave; Scotland were the better side; England had the last two chances to win the match. So a 15-all draw was probably a reasonable end. I still love the fact that the rugby is so much more relaxed than the football for fans mingling and sitting together (bar a few eejits, but they're easily in the minority). I wonder if Acronymphomania was on duty with the St John's...

It had been a busy day till then. Off to the farmers market, then i was back into town sorting out something for Mel's birthday, then my brother Adam popped by after a nightmare morning with his car driving down from Aberdeen to Coldstream.

Home. Pizza. Beer.

oh, and before I forget, today's random stupidity.

Going to the rugby I normally park at my work in the West End, and went to do so today, only to find a van and a car blocking the car park. They weren't just using the car park, they were parked at the very end of it completely blocking any access. The van is often round the back, and was clearly taking advantage of the weekend emptiness. Cheeky, but off to the side at least. The BMW though, must have parked second, because of the positions, right at the end completely blocking access. It's almost as if they thought, "Well I know I'm not supposed to be parked in here, so I'll park not very far into it cos that'll be better."

I left a note on the windscreen, it read: "This is a private car park which you have completely blocked access to. I am someone who works in this building and have not been able to park. Thank you." Awfully passive-aggressive...

And I went and paid £4 to park on Melville Street instead. I just can't stand that "don't give a damn" attitude of people towards others...

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