One Frosty Street

I think I've mentioned that our house isn't actually on a street. Our address is a number on a street that doesn't really exist. Or rather, it exists, but not as an actual street. It is a platted street running all through our city. But it is only an actual, you can drive on it street, in sections. So giving somebody our address does not guarantee they will end up at our house. More likely they will call us to ask, "where is your house?" Of course if we know people are coming we provide directions. But if not, you're on your own. One person, in the almost 25 years we've lived here, actually found our house on her own. I was amazed. It wasn't GPS. That's for sure. She just figured she'd try the alley and she found us.

But I digress. So if you walk east on our alley, you will see this property on the right. One of our neighbors bought it years ago when the original owner passed away. It is home to the large iconic tree that is in all of the photos I do of our view. And it is home to a funky out building and a falling down house. (Goodness. I should blip this for derelict Thursday shouldn't I?) We are in city limits so we have city services. But really it is pretty "country" around here and I love it. I like odd, funky, a bit different, not your usual, certainly not your elegant neighborhood, living. So our location pleases me as much as our house does, and it's my favorite of the many I've lived in since I became a sort of grownup.

This photo is an HDR compilations of seven photos. I considered the mono version but decided I liked this color version more. (Large)

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