Walking in Winter

We've not managed to do many walks with the group we joined, mainly because the walks are often too long and hard to do with a 3 year old.But today they did a walk around the Old Town, so seeing as it was on our doorstep and there was a clear bit of sky, we thought we'd go! It was so lovely, met some new people, had some good conversations, got some new phone numbers...and just as we finished, the heavens opened - so good timing too.
Danny's out having a coffee with the guy who leads the group, Asha's napping, and I'm chilling. Lovely.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Deciding to go for this walk today - windy, bracing, wonderful.
2) The sound of pouring rain outside - that lovely cosy feeling when you're in and dry!
3) The amount of interest there was in Sa Penya...the chance to talk about the place and people.

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