Works of Bayne

By ibayne


Well, today went as well as yesterday, once again, I was in a happy hyper mood for some reason, what the heck have I been eating to get myself like this? I'm getting mildly concerned! The people in my work are all brilliant to work with, I can see after my return to University, that I'll be keeping in touch with a number of them. Including the other student I work with, who I discovered goes to the same University as me, but in the year below. Such a laugh! I can imagine the rest of this week will go just as smoothly. :]

Tonight I went around the town, before heading to my thinking spot at the summit of kinnoul hill. I was going to use a shot from there, but today's blip was something I couldn't let go, something that I've been looking at for ages. Its the St Ninians Cathedral just in the centre of Perth, just down the road from where I live.

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