
By Instography

The Ground Beneath My Feet: A night out

Nights when both of us get out without the kids come along so rarely that a night in Edinburgh wasn't going to be cut short at 11.24 with the last train home so M organised a wee guest house in Newington. We could stay out as long as we liked! So we did.

After midnight in Edinburgh, somewhere between Shandwick Place and Newington. What was the chance that there would be something lying on the ground to include in my theme to capture the idea of a night out. Actually, not that much. Edinburgh, I've discovered this week, is actually pretty clean. Until, that is, you come to Pizza Paradise on George IV Bridge. Just next to the wee dug - Greyfriar's Bobby. What a shit hole that place is. Plenty of photos were taken of the empty cardboard pizza boxes, polystyrene trays, scattered chips and other rubbish lying around outside. Very 'night out' but curiously, not very interesting.

So, it's 2am and hangover prevention is the top priority. These were lying on the floor inside Pizza Paradise.

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