Never a dull moment

This was what happened when I asked Lewis to stop growing. Every time I see him (he stays at ours every week) he seems to be taller still.

This was Lewis getting down to James' level.

What happened after that was the funniest ten minutes I have experienced in a long time - both James and Lew, arms pulled into their sleeves (T-rex arms) and their knees tucked into their shoes, having a 'play fight'. As they both learned, it is difficult to get back up when you have T-Rex arms.

They have been at the skateboarding place for over 10 hours today. That has meant I could do all of the laundry, do the work that I needed to do for next week and leave my day clear tomorrow, hopefully for another jaunt of some sort. I also have to go out for a drive in the van to get used to driving it ready for helping my bro and family move house.

It's been a good day.

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