
By lucia13

Who is there?

We went to the exhibition of English painters in Norwich in the University of East Anglia. It was something different and the paintings were a little sad but very interesting. We couldn't take pictures there but we went around the countryside and this beautiful park where we saw many dears around. We didn't need to stop the car really. We took some pictures from the car. These little bambies saw us and they were looking at us like surprised . Normally people stop there and go around by foot but we had not time today.
They are beautiful creatures. I love them and I am never tired to see them. This couple should be babies because they don't have antlers I imagine.
Lucky us the weathder was nice. People said tomorrow will be raining and cold.
Thanks a lot for the nice comments and stars for my blip yesterday.
Hope you are enjoying the weekend too. I am so tired and a little sad the last few weeks, many sad things happened around my friends and family but I will be ok soon I hope . Sorry for my lack of comments in the last few days . I will catch you soon. Take care and have a good time.

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