second to last...... of autumn!
What a glorious day!!!!
The sun has been shining ALL day, such a contrast to the horrible rain last week.
I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and went for a trip to the local cemetery to see what wildlife I could find.
I spent a lovely hour or so chasing a pair of Green woodpeckers round from tree to tree, but sadly they wouldn't stop long enough for a shot, which was a shame :-(.
There were so many squirrels, rushing about everywhere, and some had even run off with a nut encrusted early Christmas wreath and left it on the path!!
All the birds were singing, and it felt so warm, I could easily have closed my eyes and thought it was March!
Along the fence covered in ivy where I photographed the Red Admiral butterfly on November 4th I found this single Comma butterfly, out from hibernation and enjoying a quick nectar top up!
The Comma Polygonia c-album, has two forms, and the specimens emerging in the early summer (var Hutchinsoni) are much paler, (especially on the underside) than the specimens that emerge later and hibernate through the winter. This is a typical late summer darker form, so beautiful, and especially welcome this late in the season.
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