Hospitalfield house

10.1C dull and misty with frequent showers.

Apothecary7 had brought home a flier last week which advertised an open weekend at Hospitalfield House in Arbroath. I had thought we might go to the harbour this morning and then up to the house later but since it was rainy this morning (the rainiest day of the week) we decided to skip the harbour.

We had hoped to see some of the art studios on the ground floor of the house but they were not part of the open weekend, so we had a wander round the house instead. There were welcoming volunteers in the various rooms who were happy to chat and tell as much as they could about the history.

We were allowed to take photographs in the rooms. I have chosen one taken along the length of the table in the dining room.

Although I have been posting B&W shots this month as something different to do to keep up my interest in taking pictures every day, I felt that a return to colour today was best.

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