World of Flavor

Saber del Sabor (basically "experience the flavors") was undoubtedly the most fantastic food event I have ever attended. This dinner kicked off a week long Festival Gastronomico in Oaxaca. Each of the seven regions of the state was represented by its own special foods and preparations. All was set up under an enormous tent in the Plaza de la Danza right around the corner from us.
The festival started with fireworks, which we watched from our porch, then we headed over. The first sight was this barbacoa pit where pork and goat was roasting on spits made of bamboo.
Around the perimeter of the tents were charcoal grills with ceramic comales for heating tortillas and many other foods. We arrived early so were able to walk around, look at the food and menus, ask questions and take photos. At serving time we knew what we wanted to try! Well, there was no way to try everything that looked good...
Two meats I certainly had never eaten before were iguana and armadillo! I liked both, but the armadillo was especially tasty.
Copious amounts of wine, beer, and mezcal accompanied the delicious food, a band provided music, and a wonderful time was had by all! (we estimated 700 people) All this for 300 pesos, which is about $25 US.
We came home at 10:30, at 11:30 we could still hear the music, so I don't know what time the festivities ended. I walked over there at 7 a.m. the next day and they were almost finished packing the whole thing up. Almost everything is portable here, and the people are masters at setting up and taking down.
More photos of this event are here
Wish you could have been there!

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