Snowy lights

A lovely meal last night to end a good day off. Had to drive back home early this morning ready for a full working day. Set off in grey drizzle, met rain and thick fog over the Pennines and came out the other side to blue sky and sunshine (although it didn't last).

Went to the first (of many) C-------- Fair today! I just want to say "No, not yet!". It was a good do though. Then on to a meeting at another local church. Managed to slip and fall on wet flags. Thankfully the only damage was a pulled back and some bruises, partly because I landed with full force on a large set of keys in my pocket, ouch! I had meant to take my camera but I had left it in the car by mistake ... thankfully, otherwise it might have been smashed on the floor!

Took this afterwards on my phone. I was feeling a bit rough so not really in the mood and it hasn't come out very well but it's that or another flower and I may need those another day. I thought the lights made it look as though it was snowing. Back home now to finish preparation for tomorrow.

On this day last year I got the keys to my house. Is it really a year?!

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