Make-do gate

But it does the job ;-)

New Zealanders are known for our 'number 8 wire' mentality. Often we do things with few resources and a lot of ingenuity.

In our collective past, circumstances often dictated scarcity and number 8 wire became used for many mechanical tasks and problem solving beyond being a strand of wire in a fence. We're still known for it and while it's laudable, the counter argument is that we only expect as much as number 8 wire will deliver and don't look at bigger possibilities.

I keep a spool of number 8 wire in the garage. It forms handy hooks to hang cords etc from, I've used it camping and occasionally it comes out when I'm in 'handy woman' mode ;-)

Probably most parts of rural NZ sport a gate as piecemeal as this, held together with odd bits of metal, wood and wire - some of it number 8.

A pleasant if unspectacular day for me - run, domestics, fiddling with technology, sizable Nana-nap and out to dinner at the Jones'. We had a power cut just as the cricket got exciting. Maybe they hadn't paid their power bill? ;-)
Power cuts need whiskey (I wasn't driving) and now I need my bed.


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