Needs must where the devil drives

Not an uncommon sight in China. In fact, we saw 4 up on a scooter (mum, dad, eldest child standing up front and baby in mum's arms) on many occasions. Diana's first reaction was 'how could they?' but as I pointed out, they have little or no choice. A scooter is the only means of transport within their reach and they make do. The term I settled on was 'necessity is the mother of invention' and you certainly see this everywhere you look in China and I find it very refreshing. When we ate dinner at Cary's mum's house last night, the large round dinner table turned out to be a hand made wooden top placed on a small square formica table. The neighbours share it whenever one of them hosts a dinner party. Our disposable society could learn a lot from these people who can fabricate just about anything from what is to hand.

Of course, I do not expect to see my grandchild being transported in this fashion. Luke and Cary are fortunate enough to have a car and we will buy them a car seat and I expect them to use it no matter how uncommon that is in China right now. Someone has to lead the way!

Apologies to anyone who commented on the previous picture, but on reaching home and having the time to view the pictures properly, this one just had a better message.

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