This rose, named Teddy, and given to me several years ago by Mr Pratt, of the renowned Tasman Bay Roses produces a delightful flower. It has been developed by Mr Pratt and named after one of his family.
From the nursery www, this is the description of Teddy
“Pink buds open to double flowers of pale peach pink. A pretty rose. Pratt 1994”
We continued with cleaning the outside walls of the house – well my husband did. I was having a great time on the water blaster cleaning the drive before we move to the front walls of the house and garage tomorrow.
The blaster does a very good job of splattering a mess well beyond what is being cleaned, especially when used by an inexperienced operator – I am getting more proficient though. I persevere as I like ‘messing’ around with water!
It was windy again today – strong and very cold!
Then it was out for a couple of hours, home for tea, a quick photo for blip, now we’re about to watch a movie on TV.
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