What better to do with your entire Friday...

...than to spend it at a NAPP CS4 seminar with 500 of your best friends, crammed inside an auditorium.

Advertised as a day filled with jaw-dropping, never-before-seen creative techniques and work flow revelations that are sure to boost your productivity levels and therefore your revenue stream, it was more like a day filled with jaw-dropping yawns, old news* gimmicks, and no flow because the line to the loo was a hundred deep every time they called a break.

There were some text kerning tricks that were new to me and the giveaway DVD's with brushes, actions and plug-ins are useful.

I'll just stick to the online home study stuff from now on though, as the line to that loo is non-existent.

*i'm not an expert, but it seemed that they dumbed it down unnecessarily.

Now THIS is jaw-dropping.

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