Orkney orchid

November Theme Challenge: Friday Fifty use a focal length of 50mm – any lens, any topic

Today I have had a lazy day with the doggies. Sigyn thinks she is fit enough to resume normal leaping, jumping, running and colliding with Talisker so she was most disgusted to be walked on a lead. Her op site is looking really healthy and thankfully she has no interest in nibbling or licking at it - Same for her dew claw scars. She is a very good patient.

Meanwhile, Husband to be has had a horrid day at work. We have just had fish and chips and have a vat of red wine...I think he is starting to feel better.

This is an orchid at Mumpys house, it has a really lovely pattern. Not sure if it is a true 50mm but i guessed best as I could.

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