...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Two fer One...

Two cats for the one shot.

I literally did nothing today. Another wasted day.
Yes, I think I am feeling better, due to the fact, I DID NOTHING TODAY!
This bug is worse at night and in the morning. But during the day I am wiped out...exhausted! :[
I am trusting that by Sunday, I will be ready to get back to it.

I did go sit out in the sun for a few, and guess who came to join me, JoJo and Chopstix. Other than that...I don't even think I ate anything...wait, I had some trailmix.

Can't wait to get back to NORMAL!!! Which reminds me, there is a bumper sticker on the car in our parking garage at work which reads:

Normal is just a setting on a washing machine.

OK...so I guess I will wait to get back to ME!!! And I am far from NORMAL! ;]

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