Golden leaves
Tonight the Christmas lights are getting switched on in our village and I had planned to take some photos of that. However I realised with all the people about it might be difficult to set up my tripod on such a busy night, so instead I went off on my dog walk with one of my favourite lenses, my 85mm f/1.4, which I usually use for portraits but decided to use today on leaves. This lens produces some wonderful bokeh in bright light conditions. Despite being such a grey and colourless day, I liked how the warmth of these colours still comes through.
Last night we went to see the school play, Cabaret. My boys have never got involved in productions and were not in this but I like to support school events. It was incredible - I was gobsmacked at the talented cast, the singing and dancing was of such a high standard that I almost thought I was in a West End theatre. There were some very moving scenes, and the lad who played Emcee was riveting. As it is an all boys school, girls from the local schools audition for parts and I think there is much competition for the roles.
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