Midnight Train
Some strange goings on over the last few nights.
Not long after falling asleep I've woken up at exactly midnight. For three of the last four nights I've looked across at the alarm clock to see it glaring away at 0:00.
I'm puzzled as to the significance.
Finally got the bridge! I travel back and forth over this magnificent bridge every day on my way to work. But I've never taken the time to go down and photograph it. Always meant to but never quite got round to it. Until now.
While there waiting for my latest long exposure to finish I had a couple of locals come up to me for a chat. Seems they get quite a lot of folk down there with their cameras. Not surprised.
//Edit: It's quite wide.
- 1
- 0
- Canon EOS 450D
- 100
- f/25.0
- 13mm
- 100
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