
By Legacy

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Back in my early days of blipping I posted this and expressed my confusion over the number of choices in the cat food isle. I’m still confused, but now I’m laughing.

These three cans were my gift to my daughter's cats, Buster, P.J. and Cinder for their dinner tonight. I didn't really care if they were edible, but the irony was just too much to pass up. We popped the lid on one of them but Buster wouldn't have anything to do with it. P.J. and Cinder have yet to offer their opinions.

The humans had a lovely dinner with just a little too much food but great company in Mark2013 and my grandson Brandon who drove up from Oregon. It was soooooo good to see him. I miss him. My other grandson, Dustin, was in Salt Lake City on a long-haul drive and then heading for Alaska. We had a visit from his girlfriend Kenzie who brought homemade cookies, jam and pickles. We connected with the rest of the family too; Mark and Derek who are vacationing in Mexico and Rob and the Indiana family, so it was happy Thanksgiving all around. I hope all the U.S.A. blippers had a great day too.

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