But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Public Spirited.

There is a lovely lady in the village who is very fond of dogs and keeps a well trained German Shepard. She regularly accosts the community council in an attempt to find premises to run dog training classes but without any luck. In the absence of better facilities she uses the local park, not very good in the depths of winter or when the weather is less than clement. I sincerely wish her luck.

There is another string to her metaphorical bow, she has secured heavy duty rubbish bags to various fence posts on the local dog-walking circuit. The cooncil wouldn't consider providing such a service as they would then have to include them on their rubbish collection service. Our public spirited lady dutifully does a regular tour of her bags, removing them for hygienic disposal and leaving fresh ones in their place.

I’ve just posted last Friday’s, “World Expert.”

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