Like Ships......

.....passing in the night. Literally.

Mr W got home at 5.30 am. He tried striking up a conversation when he came to bed but it was the middle of the night for me so I wasn't very responsive.

I got up at 8.30am. He was the then fast asleep on the night nurse for the man flu.

I went C word shopping all morning so the house was quiet for him then worked all afternoon.

I got home at 7 pm and woke him up. He played on his computer while I cooked dinner. He only had time to eat half of it before he left for work at 8.30.

We literally had an hour and a half together. Not even time for him to ask me how my day went. Ok, so he might have had time to ask me how my day was if he wasn't on the computer and I wasn't in the kitchen. Sulky face.

So I shall just have to look at a picture of him on the computer next to me instead.

Still sulking!


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