Ahead, Alone, In The Lines, London

Day 332 of 365. I had today off as holiday so decided to pop up to London for one of my favourite things - going to see photography exhibitions and taking some more of my own photographs.
The first one I went to see had the rather long-winded title of "Constructing Worlds : Photography & Architecture In The Modern Age" and was at the Barbican. Despite the rather boring sounding title it was actually a fascinating exhibition full of stunning images. Photographs by the likes of Stephen Shore and Thomas Struth whose work I'd only seen in books were displayed as large scale prints and made me think about their photography in a different way but I also saw work by other photographers who I have never heard of and really look forward to finding out more about. The Barbican is such a weird, strange place - it can have a dystopian sci-fi feel to it, especially the part where the exhibition was based.
My second exhibition was the Taylor Wessing Prize at the National Portrait Gallery and was also full of great portraits (including, if you follow the history of the prize, the obligatory shot of a woman with red hair!). The photographs in this exhibition are all so beautifully printed and the exhibition itself is one of the cheapest in London to get into - £3!
After that it was time to walk from there to the Southbank to see the exhibition by the photographer Leila Jeffreys called Wild Cockatoos. She is a friend of one of my good friends and she recommended I go and see it. After getting a bit lost I finally found the gallery and it was worth the wait - the photographs were stunning shots of different types of cockatoos and captured the amazing rainbow of colours but also their different personalities. Also, there were wonderful captions with each image telling the story behind the shot and a short history about the bird featured.
I then needed a sit down and something to eat - so it was a pub, a pint, a toasted sandwich, some chips and a nice view of the River Thames!
Today's shot was taken on the way back to catch my train home - I just really liked the man's round head and the arches of the bridge amongst all those straight lines.

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