
By Hamp5on

Bubble bubble, oil and trouble...

Another not-great blip...but this is quite typical of Ibiza...there's graffiti all over the island, protesting about the potential oil drilling that will be happening a mere 6km off the coast...it'll disrupt sea-life, have an effect on tourism etc etc...and there isn't even much oil there!

Anyway, tonight we hosted our first language exchange at THE café! It went well...quiet but good...we're going to hold it twice a week til Christmas, see what works and what doesn't, and then have a big push and promotion in the New year.
One of the women who came happened to have been born in the town I'm from - Sutton Coldfield - what a small world!

Tonight I'm grateful for;
1) A great evening chatting in English, Spanish and a bit of Catalan.
2) Asha finding her cuddly toy - Sammy Turtle. We've spent a LOT of time looking for him, I'd thought we must have left him somewhere...we discovered him today in Asha's pop up tent!
3) Feeling like part of Can Miquelitus...

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