Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

The sky (and an old chair apparantly) is on fire..

Had a good day. The Berocca seems to be kicking in and I generally feel better and seem to have a little more energy. Could be placebo effect. Could be the thought of me leaving my job. Could be it's actually working. But I doubt it's the last one.

Came home tonight to find the sky was a burning orange, it really looked gorgeous. I didn't PhotoShop the image at all because it looked so amazing by itself.

Just as I sat down to do my Blip a fire engine drew down my street. Fighting the urge to take my camera I poked my head out the door to see what was going on. Apparantly some kids had dragged a chair into the park and set it alight.

Oh honestly kids. Go inside and play your XBoxs where you're not hasseling anyone other than your ma. The rest of us have stuff to do. Not me ironically, I've spent another day playing MyTown on Facebook. Meh.

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