A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Misty morning.

No sparkle on the pond this morning unlike our Tuesday walk. It was decidedly murky as it grew light.

Here, at the opposite end to the feeding station, you can see the geese, mainly Canadian, who have returned to Coppice Pond since last week when there was only one Canada goose accompanied by the Greylag. There appears to be a new white one here too.

They didn't keep pace with us as we walked the length of the pond, unlike the ducks who almost made it before us. The now familiar cygnet arrived shortly after and is much more clued up on how to get its share of the food. We had nearly finished before the geese caught up and there is definitely a new white goose.

It all adds to the rich mix of bird life here and of course the different ones are those that stand out.

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