Photos in A Major

By A

Assume the position!

I had hoped to have a more interesting photo today, after all I had been all the way to Shropshire for the final consortium meeting on a link project. However what with traffic, murk and general lack of time, I found myself tonight in front of the fire, with the pooch, contemplating no blip.

Some of this must be down to the amount of information I have been trying to get my head round, much of it down to the clever people that sequence genes. To be honest my favourite chart of the day (and the one that would be worthy of today's blip) was of a log chart of gene sequencing cost over time, the upshot is in 20 years it's dropped from >£1,000,000 to around £100 a time. Being involved (loosely) in agriculture, they call the '60s and '70's the Green Revolution, I wonder what they'll call these years?

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