at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Lounging about

Ivy does love lounging. She sits down and she knows that feet go up... She's lounging on the sofa cushions here, because I had to take off the seat cushions to get their covers washed after the bloody stupid dog from two doors down that it's idiotic owners let run wild (I know this is a public forum- and they'll be insulted if they read this, but it's not slander because it's true!) pood in our garden AGAIN and Ivy stood in it and tracked it into the house and all over the sofa. Nothing we can do about them- the dog warden has already been round. Euan had to clean her beautifull teeny tiny shoes- I was too upset.

At Gaelic toddlers they were stringing cheerios onto pipe cleaners to make hangers for birds. Ivy was a bit young for it- but it was a fun activity. She had a bit of a mishap when she fell over in a crowd of jostling 3 year old all trying to get into the toy cupboard and got a bit stood on. The little boy who stood on her head was upset because he thought he was in trouble, so after Ivy calmed down we went over to tell him we weren't cross with him and accidents happen.

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