Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

A Palm in the Pine

Palm warbler, that is. This warbler is common throughout FL especially in the winter when large numbers of them show up from their northern breeding grounds. I snapped this one from my patio this morning when it was still gloomy and rainy.

We ended up having around 4 inches of rain yesterday/last night/this morning - things are very wet! But it is much better than the 6-8 inches of snow that is currently falling on Tallyho Lane in NJ! Not sorry to be missing that.

The weather cleared up early this afternoon, so I took a quick trip over to Lake Seminole where I was lucky enough to spot a pair of pileated woodpeckers. I always get a thrill when I spot a pileated and I was going to blip them today... but somehow I just liked this little warbler better. If you'd like to see two shots of the woodpeckers plus a yakking Ibis, click HERE.

Cooked a little turkey breast today which will be the basis of our sandwiches for our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow - kind of looking forward to it!

It's Hump Day, people! And for those of us in the US, it's Thanksgiving-eve.


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