Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

Raindrops on leaf

I went to the Community Centre this morning for some gardening, but forgot that volunteers were removing some of the wood we had cut down in previous weeks. I had completely the wrong camera gear, and an even worse tripod as it turned out. The light was terrible for shooting the volunteers at work, and when I spotted a very large spider on a branch things got even worse. Not only was it difficult to focus close enough, but the Brian tripod I had with me - an early model - is next to useless for low level work - if you try to set the legs to anything but the most upright angle they just collapse - the other detents just do not work. For the shot I've finally posted it was not quite as difficult to set the tripod up satisfactorily, but on the camera side the lens and lack of articulated rear screen still made it awkward. It's a bad workman who blames his tools, but all I can say is that with the right tripod, camera and lenses today would have been much less frustrating, and more successful, photographically. My mistake though I suppose for not anticipating the possible subjects and consequently not taking more suitable, but slightly larger and heavier, equipment.

I must say that today, not for the first time, I am so annoyed with this early Brian that, despite what it cost, I think the only sensible thing to do with it is put it in the bin - great for portability, excellent maximum height, but at least my very early model is not very good (to put it politely) at anything else.

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