It gets so dark before the dawn.

The day hasn’t happened yet.
I had to get up early to drop off L down in Fort William for a school trip, setting off at 6.30am. He is doing higher French and to further their studies his class are going to a cinema in Glasgow to see a French film. In the afternoon they are going to a gallery to see French Impressionist Art. Apparently you can be a member of the French Impressionist movement without being French, notably Dutch painter Van Gogh by virtue of living in France at that time is regarded as being in the movement.
I came home, threw Caley in the car, and continued to Bohuntin Hill. My first few steps seconds after 7.00am were aided by head torch. I was at the top well before eight and certainly well ahead of official day light time. I have been here as it got dark but never as is became light. Even if not a dazzling morning it was worth the effort.
Bohuntin Hill is an insignificant little bump on our planet but all you can see from the top are other mountains. It feels like you are in total wilderness and it is a brilliant place to take in the dawn.

And not a taxi horn to be heard

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